Your First Skydive
at SkyDance
Tandem Skydiving is the most common and safest method of training for first time jumpers and has made the sport accessible to millions of people worldwide. During your Tandem Skydive, you will be paired with one of our highly skilled USPA rated Instructors who will be with you every step of the way. Whether your goal is to become a United States Parachute Association (USPA) certified skydiver or you just want to give it a try, SkyDance SkyDiving is the best place to begin.
Highly-trained, independently operating USPA rated tandem instructors will give you specialized instruction before your first skydive. This training takes approximately 20 minutes and will cover everything you will need to know for your skydive, what to expect throughout the experience, and teach you some basic skydiving skills.
Once you are geared up, your instructor and videographer will walk you to our specialized jump aircraft and you will begin your ascent to your jump altitude! Along the way you will see some awesome views of the central valley and surrounding mountains, watch experienced skydivers gear up for their own skydives, and get a few final tips for your upcoming exit from the aircraft.

Freefalling at speeds of around 120 mph is an experience like nothing else on earth! Beyond exhilarating it defies description and will leave you feeling alive and free. The only way to understand it is to do it! SkyDance SkyDiving offers the highest tandem skydives available in the United States, check out our Freefall Options to see how high up you want to go.

At an altitude of 5000 ft you or your instructor will deploy the parachute and you will begin your magical parachute journey back down to Earth. As you take in the experience you will get to feel how parachute flight works and soar above the valley with all the other skydivers from your aircraft.